While we have the Kearney and Trecker feed gearbox out and the saddle off the mill, it is time to address the sorry state of the lubrication system. While we are at it, we’ll rectify two nasty surprises we’ve found inside and under the saddle.
Reapplying Turcite to Saddle Bottom
Recall, the y-axis woes of this machine can be traced back to Turcite (or some generic substitute) that had lost adhesion and allowed swarf to accumulate under the saddle ways. Upon removal of the old material (most of which I could do by hand) it looked as if there was not much work done to ensure that the bottom saddle ways were flat and co-planar before applying the original Turcite.
Using the bottom of the saddle as a reference surface, I was able to verify that there was indeed .004″ or so deviation across the ways. Rather than spend an eternity hand scraping them flat — and keeping in mind that this will be covered by new slideway material — I selectively deployed an extended pneumatic cutoff tool as a grinder, taking light horizontal cuts.
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